Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sprouting off

My mind is crazy, lost, dysfunctional and confused. I think to much, but I don't say enough. Caught in my head, needing to step outside the thoughts I live in. 

I find myself with earbuds in with no music playing. That's because I find silence to be lovely.

If you make friends with yourself, you will never be alone. But why do I feel I hide shadows, wanting to be heard, to quiet to be understood. You say you're afraid of being alone. I'm pretty damn good at it! 

You cry with meaning, I cry because I don't know what's happening. 

Writing this Intro took me the longest time to gather my thoughts and feelings and put them into words.

My left side of my brain fights with the right side about thoughts I've been fighting my whole life. 

Help me find the beauty in my heart, help me find the feelings I feel.