Sunday, March 29, 2015

This is me

Elouise Hughes Never told me it would be hard to write something to confess who you really are. 

Well Elouise
You are a girl who has natural brown hair, but pays money to bleach it.
A girl who is never satisfied with herself and complains to the mirror.
A girl who never really enjoys being lonely but loves being alone.
A girl who seems to never get the punch line right when everyone else does, but enjoys telling jokes. 


You are a girl who comes to school late, or not at all.
A girl who is wanting to grow up, but not wanting to be judged. 
A girl who loves the outdoors, but is never out enough. 
A girl who dated 2 people and kissed 3. 
A girl who could count her dates on one hand.
A girl who never thought you could be were you are now.
A girl who would rather take the photo then have a photo taken of you. 


You are a girl who is just wanting to bring out the best in me. 
You've helped me become better at expressing my feelings.
and I wanted to say thanks! 

Your #1 fan

-McKinley Dastrup

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Because we all want to hold the universe in our fingertips,
just so we can at least feel we have control.

Because we all want to feel balanced,
not knowing what to listen to... your heart or brain. idk

Because we all put on colors..
but who are you wearing them for?

Because we all want late nights and late talks,
am i right?

Because we all just want to feel loved,
we just want to have someone.

Because we all have to many high hopes,
but there are too many disappointments.

Because we all want to feel butterflies,
when we know it's right.

Because we all want to spend a little more time trying
to make something of yourself,
and a little less time trying to impress people.

Because we all want to reach for what's in front of us,
until then you can't unless you let go of what's behind you.

Because we all will have to stop hating who we are.

Because we all focus on what could go bad,
why don't you think of what could go right?

Because we all find songs that express how we feel,
because we can't express it ourselves.

Because we all want to collect things,
why don't we collect moments?

Because we all make mistakes,
but you are more than those.

Because we all never notice beauty,
because we are too busy trying to create it.

Because we all change,
whether you like it or not.

because we all are humans and we all want things.

dear friend

I'm trying to be supportive
I'm trying to be kind
I'm trying to be there
But you have to know that it hurts like hell 
to see you leave.

because you came into my life when i needed you most
now you're leaving 

I know it won't be permanent 
But I am living in a time where you're all i got. 

I haven't seen you in a month. 

but whose counting....

See I'm still missing the days where we would sit around and just laugh till our stomachs hurt
see I'm still missing the days where i saw you all the time
were we had to run to class because we had to many tardies
were we would complete each others sentences
were we would just do the weirdest things

I know these will occur soon

but right now,
I'm just missing you

The words we send are faint and a distance away. 
All i want is to have talks like how we use to. 

I can't make you stay. 

But i wish i have a persuasive mouth. 

Because if i did.... 
I think you would stay

Don't be a stranger.... 
I hope i see you soon.. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The way

It was rather beautiful the way he put her insecurities to sleep. The way he dove Into her eyes and starved all of her fears. And tasted all the dreams she kept coiled beneath her bones. The way he lit her darkness, and fed her love; with an antique spoon.


I'm afraid of my dreams.... so I tell people I don't dream at all.
I'm afraid of Heights, and deep waters;
I'm afraid of drowning and a broken heart. 
I'm afraid of being alone... because if you leave me.... I'll be afraid of everything. 
I'm afraid of the darkness, and the voices telling me nothing is going to be ok...
I'm afraid of not being able to fall asleep, because I'm worried about what the next day holds...
I'm afraid of gutters, and suicides 
I'm afraid of loosing people I love, sometimes I wonder if there is anyone out there that is afraid to lose me. 
I'm afraid of loosing "YOU"...

Sunday, March 8, 2015

We are not permanent

"Life's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get"
                                     I call bullshit on that...
        The types of Chocolates are on the bottom of the box....
                                 I'm sorry........ I swore.....
But.... I'm not going to fill your ears with non-sense or sweet coated lies.
    Here's the truth,
            We all will die
                      Don't be scared.... You know how?
                                   Just live your life like tomorrow is your last.

                                               because we are all dying a little each day,

                                                                     You will never regret living by that.

fading but still loving

We held hands across
a table that stretched out for 
a hundred miles. he was so 
magnificent even from a far 
distance. love grows fonder 
when your apart. But my heart
tore every time he left. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The world...

Nobody likes me... 

How to stay alive

Nothing lasts forever, the pain won't last. Actually pain lies...

Minds have Their own weather systems. You are in a hurricane. Hurricanes run out of energy eventually.... Hold on. 

You will one day experience joy that matches this pain you're going through. 

Life is always worth it!! 

Do not give up...
We are fragile. 


Find something that keeps you spiritually alive.
Open your eyes...

Look into the sun as the new days rise, 
And move on

Stay alive.