Sunday, March 29, 2015

This is me

Elouise Hughes Never told me it would be hard to write something to confess who you really are. 

Well Elouise
You are a girl who has natural brown hair, but pays money to bleach it.
A girl who is never satisfied with herself and complains to the mirror.
A girl who never really enjoys being lonely but loves being alone.
A girl who seems to never get the punch line right when everyone else does, but enjoys telling jokes. 


You are a girl who comes to school late, or not at all.
A girl who is wanting to grow up, but not wanting to be judged. 
A girl who loves the outdoors, but is never out enough. 
A girl who dated 2 people and kissed 3. 
A girl who could count her dates on one hand.
A girl who never thought you could be were you are now.
A girl who would rather take the photo then have a photo taken of you. 


You are a girl who is just wanting to bring out the best in me. 
You've helped me become better at expressing my feelings.
and I wanted to say thanks! 

Your #1 fan

-McKinley Dastrup


  1. I love how you wrote this as a note to your pen name. Your blog is fantastic.

  2. You are such a talent! Your photography rules

  3. Your blog was always a good one, and the way you wrote about your pen name being your friend kind of was way cool! Thank you very much.

  4. I agree with Nyle.. Your photography is so rad. And your writing! ahh.

    "A girl who seems to never get the punch line right when everyone else does, but enjoys telling jokes."

    I love this line. Thanks for being so real!

  5. I love the way you wrote this! seriously so good!
